That spectacle is embodied by not only the heroic and powerful style of the frontier poetry, but the fresh and elegant style of the landscape poetry; 这种气象,不仅从边塞诗歌作品豪迈、雄浑的风格中体现出来,也从山水诗歌作品清新、优美的风格中体现出来;
Homer's Iliad comes under the head of heroic or epic poetry. 荷马的《伊利亚特》属于英雄史诗类。
Heroic poetry, indeed, may avail itself of them all. 英雄诗得益于所有类型。
The heroic couplet is a verse form in epic poetry, with lines of ten syllables and five stresses, in rhyming pairs. 用于史诗或叙事诗,每行十个音节,五个音部,每两行押韵。
The epics of Homer and ( Medieval) heroic poetry provided referable experience in the plot structure and the description of character. 荷马史诗和中古英雄史诗在情节结构和人物性格的刻画上为小说提供了可资借鉴的经验;
Also his heroic career, great contribution and his great achievement in poetry has the profound influence on the subsequent literary works. 而他的英雄生涯、英雄业绩、词学成就则对后人产生了深远的影响。